
Now more than ever, clients search for an action driven, solution oriented realtor that they can work with.  They want a realtor who is an expert and with whom they can feel comfortable and secure:

  1. Consulting on all aspects of real estate
  2. Negotiating the best price for them
  3. Moving the process along


Thus becoming an expert in your area of concentration should be one of your primary goals.  That is clearly a challenge for many.  There are volumes of books written to support your efforts, including Don Hudson’s “The One Minute Negotiator,” and “Value-Based Selling” by Bill Bachrach.

Crucial Elements

There are three elements for you to seriously consider in your attempt to develop and promote your expertise.

  1. Laser focus on your target market.
  2. A strategy that addresses both online and offline.
  3. A consistent investment in resources.


When you are able to keep your role in perspective and always remember that you are providing a service, your task becomes easier,  you become more successful and you feel better about what you do.  You are providing something for people that they need.  People love to buy but are not so enamored with being sold.  When they feel that they are being sold it creates mistrust and you lose credibility.

Keep in mind that your service is either a match for someone or it isn’t.  In any case, the likelihood of someone feeling that they need your service increases exponentially when you are perceived as an expert.

How about you, are you an expert in your field?  If so, how did you get there? 

 If not, what has stopped you from being so?  Please share with us in the comment section below.


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: March 26, 2012 @ 9:21 pm