How Are Your Yeses?

Well, a third of the year is just about over.  Due to the many obstacles that you create for  yourself when you say no, those of you who have said yes more often thus far in 2012 are likely more satisfied with your accomplishments.  The power of yes was written about in the blog that I posted toward the end of 2011.

Perception vs. Reality

Often we see ourselves differently than others do.  How can you accurately assess if you have been living more with a mind set of “yes” than you have in the past.  Below are some tell-tale signs.

  1. You have more energy than you have had in the past.
  2. Others seem to be more positive when they are around you.
  3. You are more comfortable in the presence of others who are positive.
  4. You seem to trust in your universe more than you have in the past.
  5. You’re less often trying to control those things that you know cannot be controlled.
  6. You have been more consistently getting the results that you have been striving for.
  7. Those results seem to be accomplished more-so by working smarter than by working harder.
  8. You have been more in concert with your goals versus being “at odds” with them.
  9. You have noticed an increase in your self-esteem.
  10. You arise in the morning with more enthusiasm for the day ahead.

If you can answer in the affirmative to the list above, you can rest assured that you have been saying yes a lot more often in 2012 than you have in the past.  If not, you can take comfort in knowing that the year is merely 1/3rd over and you can begin to increase your yeses right now.

Have you been more positive in 2012 than in the past?

 What evidence do you have in addition to the list above?


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: April 29, 2012 @ 10:28 pm