Let Yourself Shine

I attended a wonderful cooking exhibition last week.  It was held at Clarke’s Design Gallery in Norwalk, Ct.   The venue was first class.  Amidst the many kitchens on display at Clarke’s was one that was chosen particularly for the evening.  The center island was tastefully adorned and intimately set for twelve people.

The Event

The event was co-ordinated by Clarke’s and the cooking class was orchestrated by chef Pietro Scotti of Da Pietro’s in Westport,Ct.  The preparation was an Italian Easter dinner.  The food was superb and the wine perfect, but for me the evening represented much more than that.  It became evident quickly that the milieu of the exhibit was greatly influenced by Scotti’s passion for his work and affable personality.


This was his presentation, he was on stage, in control and loving every moment.  There were menus with the recipes for each dish.  He interacted with all twelve of us, explained every detail of each course and encouraged everyone to participate in the presentation.  I even learned how to roll a gnocchi.

Multiple Benefits

Mid-way through the evening I had an epiphany, or perhaps simply a crystallization in my mind of something that I already knew.  For Realtors, or any business person for that matter, it’s all about the presentation and promotion isn’t it?  There Scotti was, overjoyed, earning a living doing what he does best and all the while his talents on full display.  What a great way to promote himself and his restaurant.

Simple But Not Easy

The formula for running a successful business, and for Realtors in particular, is really that simple.  Promote yourself, secure a venue and present the benefits of working with you.  The challenge comes from being skilled at each.  There is no excuse for not excelling at the latter.  You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and the presentation is a great opportunity to let yourself shine.

Have you honed your presentation skills to be their best?  If not, why?

Please let us know what your ability to present has done for you.


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: April 6, 2012 @ 10:23 pm