
I received an email that contained background information about an author that I was planning to hear speak earlier this week.  Based on her education, she certainly appeared to be a bright woman.  The plot line of her first novel seemed interesting and I was very much looking forward to listening to her.

The Congeniality Component

I planned on buying a hardcover copy of the book after she was done speaking as those in attendance were told that she would be available to sign all of them.  I arrived a few minutes before the start of the program and hoped to introduce myself, but never had a chance as she was conversing with one particular older couple the entire time.

She read two excerpts from the book as she intermittently talked about her life experiences and how those experiences shaped her writing.  After entertaining a few questions she sat down for the book signing.

Engage Your Customer

At that point I somewhat lost my appetite to wait in line and it didn’t take long for me to understand why.  Other than the brief converstation that she had with the couple when I first arrived, she never really connected with me, or engage with anyone else in a personal way.  A number of other guests were departing along with me.  I thought to myself, “This is just another example of something that I’ve learned long ago.  I suppose that people need to feel good about you and want to  know that you have a personal interest in them before they really feel comfortable buying something from you.”

A Real Estate Experience

I recalled a situation that paralleled my thinking as I left that evening.  I was speaking to someone that I befriended after she and her husband purchased one of my listings.  I didn’t know them before the purchase and they were working with another agent but I was present for the showing.  She flat out told me years later that they never would have purchased the house if not for me.  Not just due to my knowledge of the home and area, but because of the manner in which I related with them and took a personal interest.

Something to Think About

Some Realtors interact with clients less than others and that’s understandable as everyone has their unique style and personality.  Yet my experience this week and the conversation that I had with my friend are very telling.  Likeability is important, and if you have it you are sure to exponentially increase your sales.

Are you as engaging with potential clients when assessing their home as much as you should be?

Do buyers feel that you are taking a personal interest in them as you show them homes?


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: April 27, 2012 @ 8:39 am