More Thoughts On Simplifying Real Estate

As a follow-up to Friday’s blog post, “Real Estate Made Simple,” below are random thoughts to further simplify a Realtor’s mission and help to remove the emotion – imperative to giving one’s best advice to clients.

Components To A Successful Real Estate Sale

A. Three Ingredients:

  1. House
  2. Seller
  3. Buyer

B.  The Fourth Ingredient:

The fourth ingredient to a successful sale is the Realtor.  The Realtor’s responsibility from the get-go is to:

  1. Explain your approach
  2. Ask questions
  3. Determine the challenges to the sale of the home
  4. Provide Facts
  5. Use visuals
  6. Offer solutions

B.  Commission Decisions

  1. Limited Services Brokerage
  2. Cutting commissions = cutting services
  3. Choosing quality vs. lowest bidder
  4. List it at a lower commission vs. Sell it at a lower commission
  5. List it at a higher price vs. Sell it for a higher price

C.  Seller Options With Offer and Possible Consequences:

  1. Accept Buyer Offer Without Negotiating = Less money
  2. Reject Buyer Offer Outright = Lose the buyer
  3. Counter Offer = Create a win for both parties to the transaction

D.  Mortgage Fact

  1. A HUD study has shown than an increase of 1/8% in the interest rate results in a loss of 1/2 million buyers.

What are some of the things that you have done to simplify your business and place yourself in a position to help more people?


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: September 25, 2012 @ 5:42 am