Sacrifice And The Spice of Life

It’s the Easter Weekend and many Catholics, along with those of other religious denominations throughout the world, will celebrate what is considered to be an act that is recognized as the greatest sacrifice of all.


The symbolical implications are numerous and magnificent.  And so suggestive of what our destinies are here on earth.  To do for others as much as we would do for ourselves.

The Spice of Life

This is really one of the spices of life and in real estate it is no different.  I can recall, a few years back, though as if it were just yesterday, driving home from a particular listing presentation.    I remember exactly where I was on the long, sloping road that lead to town.  The homeowners had just signed a listing contract with me and I was thinking of the dialogue that I had with them, the presentation in general and the responsibilities ahead of me.

Last and Least

After a litany of thoughts ran through my brain, I remembered the monetary reward.  It was one of my proudest moments in real estate.  The financial component, which is so paramount to many, was the last thing that entered my mind.  “Oh yeah,” I thought excitedly, “if the house closes there will be a paycheck that goes along with it.”


It was as if I had an awakening.  Many of the activities that Realtors perform have no compensation attached to them.   We do so much for people, and our just reward is knowing just that, that we are helping others because we care.  How many people are in an occupation whereby they can make that claim?

Demanding Time

So as we head into the Easter weekend, in the throws of the busiest, most demanding weeks of a Realtor’s year, that is one thing that no one can take away from us.  Work without compensation may not always pay the bills, but it brings us rewards that are far greater.  This weekend, as we pay homage to Jesus’ great sacrifice, we as Realtors can take solace in knowing that we are following an example that was established for us so many centuries ago.  After all, sacrifice and doing for others is the spice of life.

Can you recall a recent incident when you did something for someone and it felt great?

Were there unexpected rewards?

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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: April 6, 2012 @ 10:18 pm