The Gender Gap

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A recently released study, published today in “Science World Report,” may offer clues to a question that has previously perplexed scientist worldwide.  Why do women talk more than men?  In fact, women speak almost three times as many words as men during the course of any given day.

Simply put, researchers have now discovered that women possess up to 30% higher levels of a language protein in their brains.

The Extremes

In the business world, this can lead to an interesting conundrum.  Especially in real estate, where cultivating relationships with clients is an integral part of what we do.  Too little said on behalf of an agent, and the client can turned off by what they perceive to be a lack of interpersonal skills, frustrated with a lack of critical information and in some cases a failure on the agent’s part to establish any kind of meaningful rapport.

On the contrary, too much talking and the conversation can enter the realm of the frivolous, make an agent appear less than professional and even blur the line of what should distinctively remain a business relationship and nothing more.

The Balancing Act

Having a female/male team advise a home owner on the many facets of selling their home seems like a viable solution.  It certainly can have it’s benefits.  It also can have it’s challenges.

The partnership has the potential to add a communal dimension to the presentation, give the prospective client a certain comfort level with the entire process and go a long way in establishing that crucial element of rapport.  On the contrary, too much conversation can con volute and obscure some of the more meaningful dialogue that transpired- advice on timing, pricing and preparing the home for sale

Who Knows

Is too much talking the result of nervousness on the part of the presenter, or is it due to a higher concentration of that protein?  I suppose we’ll never know for sure.  When it comes to business, it certainly doesn’t hurt to be aware of the gender gap and approach your presentation with that in mind.

In retrospect, can you remember talking too much because of nerves?

Is it possible that failure to listen led you to miss a closing opportunity?


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: February 20, 2013 @ 9:55 pm