The Olympics And The Power Of You

The 2012 Olympics have ended and once again the United States represented itself admirably, leading the world with the greatest number of  medals in general and gold metals in particular.  Sixteen more than second place China in total and eight more gold.  The dedication displayed by the athletes in preparation for the Olympics over a period of four years is almost incomprehensible.

Overcoming Adversity

One performer, South African Oscar Pistorious, was the first double amputee to ever perform in the Olympics, competing in the 400m race.  Discussion ensued, articles written and investigations conducted as to whether Pistorious actually had an advantage over his competitors.  I guess some are just missing the point.

Obstacles In Real Estate

There are obstacles to overcome in any endeavor that’s worthwhile.   Real Estate is no different, and the marketplace is often one of those obstacles.  Not enough buyers, not enough inventory.  The weather is too cold, the weather is too hot.  “It’s an election year,” is one of my favorites.  I try to educate realtors to “become so good at the things that they can control, that they overcome the things that they can’t.”  I suppose Pistorious has a similar mental approach and then some.


Realtors who perform well in all market conditions hear others offer up reasons for their success too.  “He’s well connected,” and “She has children in school and meets many more people than I do,” or “They’re both so aggressive.”  The performers understand, however, that it basically comes down to hard work.


I’ve grown a lot over the past year and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s the power of me.  No one can make me feel a certain emotion or affect my commitment to something without my permission to allow them to do so.  Summer vacation will soon be over, students will return to school and the Fall real estate market will soon arrive.   Your satisfaction as a parent, Realtor or whatever will be affected to the greatest degree by the power of you.

What do you do to overcome outside obstacles?

Do you guide others who are close to you to do the same?


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: August 15, 2012 @ 6:02 am