When Showing Homes – Hold That Thought!

Some of the experiences that I’ve had in real estate are a lot funnier now looking back at them.  They weren’t quite as humorous when they occurred.  Four year old Lisa, or at least she was four years old at the time, provides one such example.  I wondered if I was ever going to sell her mom a house.  Lisa obviously was not ready to leave the home that she was born in.  I’m not sure if she ever verbalized this in private to her mom, but it was evident to me.  Each time I showed them a home, at some point during the viewing, little Lisa would blurt out, “This house has a bad mell!”  She of course meant, “smell!”  This happened from the very first home that I showed them to the very last.  Eventually her mom made a purchase, despite the home’s offensiveness to Lisa’s senses.

Guilty Myself

It’s ironic that I, a Realtor, am guilty of making the same mistake.  I once showed a home whereby the dog smell was so strong, seemingly embedded in the carpeting and the walls, that I actually became nauseous.  It wasn’t until we went down to the basement that I realized I actually was closing my nose with my fingers as I was showing the home.  I remember questioning myself, “Al, how in the world do you expect someone to want to purchase a home that you’re showing while holding your nose?”

Personal Taste

Most productive Realtors show a lot of homes.  I’m at ease writing this because I am not talking to anyone in particular, but you learn quite quickly that there is no accounting for taste.  There are many personal preferences in this world when it comes to decorating and a Realtor needs to be sensitive to that.  I have heard, on more than one occasion, instances whereby a Realtor gave their personal opinion regarding the decor of a home that they were showing.  Unfortunately for the Realtor, the buyer that they were working with happened to like the decorating.  Not good!

Offering an opinion of this nature is counterproductive on many levels for the buyer, seller and Realtor.  There are a myriad of things on which a Realtor should offer an opinion, advice and guidance in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities to their clients.  When it comes to showing homes, however, unless you’re little Lisa, it’s best to hold that thought.

Have you ever had the urge to offer an opinion on something that you shouldn’t when showing a home?

How did you handle the situation?


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Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: December 10, 2012 @ 6:08 pm