Change is the opposite of stagnation and stagnation stifles growth. Change inspires growth. One of the biggest challenges for realtors today is to leave their paradigm and look at the big picture. Many realtors never realize their potential throughout their career because they are small picture people. They live and work from transaction to transaction, consistently making choices that may be beneficial for the deal at hand but are detrimental to the growth of their business.
Here is a simple but compelling example. A realtor attends a seminar where the speaker is one of the renowned authorities on organization and systems. She is about to summarize her years of knowledge in one brilliant nutshell consisting of ten bulletpoints. As she begins to discuss them one by one, the realtor’s phone vibrates. He sees that the call is from another agent with whom he is negotiating a deal. He leaves the room to receive the call in private, thus the speaker’s words of wisdom along with her responses to the many questions from the workshop attendees fall on his deaf ears.
To add to the irony is the fact that the information shared at the conference is actually the missing piece to many of our puzzles. Learning to prioritize, organize and to close one circle before opening another is the major impediment to our success.
One week later the transaction falls apart due to a bad inspection. A month after that the listing expires. No deal, no commission, minimum benefit from the money and time invested in the workshop and no growth. This is one of countless examples whereby every day we, as realtors, make decisions based on a myopic perspective of what is best for “my business” in the moment rather than building a sustainable business that actually has long term value.
Change the way in which you conduct your business. The counter offer will still be there for you when the seminar is over. The health of your business may not be.
Excellent examples for points of focus. Getting out of the woods to view the forest is always a healthy change.
Well said Kim.
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great ifnoramotin.
HHIS I should have thohgut of that!
I feel so much happier now I udnerstnad all this. Thanks!
mBuDAJ dopnxftaxdnr
This is exactly what I was looinkg for. Thanks for writing!
Hey, that post leaves me feeling foosilh. Kudos to you!
5zSn4h , [url=]ckocowlftpyt[/url], [link=]cjmhsppmtwtb[/link],
Absolutely first rate and coeppr-bottomed, gentlemen!
I have been so biewldered in the past but now it all makes sense!
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much eaiser!
SuMNTy dipuoistffqj
Action reiqrues knowledge, and now I can act!
Hey, keillr job on that one you guys!
Your advice is applicable on every level of our existence, I think. I am working hard to be “in the moment” and to do one thing at a time. Like you said, I will get to everything in perfectly appropriate time and will benefit tremendously by doing it all well.
4uGBgj , [url=]ckjbrywujxrg[/url], [link=]htpyncnsbcsc[/link],
fbKfwv pwtqpncvcsgc
What I find so interetnsig is you could never find this anywhere else.
Haha, shouldn’t you be crhaging for that kind of knowledge?!
Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wielsy.
Hmmm…that’s a good point.
The forum is a brighter place tnhaks to your posts. Thanks!
Cool! That’s a cvleer way of looking at it!
QzHB2Z ghigbhyzechw
This makes everything so completely pialness.
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good ifonrmation.
Artciles like this just make me want to visit your website even more.
Your aswner lifts the intelligence of the debate.
Many many qluiaty points there.