Unfortunately I Have To Disagree

I recently read an article that sited the “Five Traits of Successful Real Estate Agents.”  I don’t remember the author or the publication.  It was noted within the scope of the article that all successful Realtors possess these five traits:  Honesty, Passion, Risk Taking, Tenaciousness and Compassion.  I would like to agree, but based on twenty-five years in the business I simply can’t.

1. Honesty

I know agents who are wildly successful but I would have a difficult time referring to them as honest.  They follow a simple formula.  They don’t concern themselves with repeat business.  They are constantly prospecting for the next opportunity.

2. Passion

I agree with this one, especially as taken within the context of passion being synonymous with intensity.

3. Risk Taker

I have seen agents who are risk takers meet with a great deal of success and I have observed successful agents who are risk adverse.  Risk taking is not a common thread among top producers.

4. Tenacious

Yes, all successful Realtors, and probably business people in general, tend to have a great deal of tenacity and are driven to get results.

5. Compassionate

I certainly don’t want to appear disrespectful to the author’s point of view, but I have to disagree with him once again.  I know Realtors who have been in the business as long as I and I must say that, when I think of them, compassion is not the first word that comes to mind.

My List

I offer my own list of the common traits of successful Realtors in addition to tenaciousness and compassion.  Other traits, such as intelligence, are certainly helpful but curiously, not essential.

1. Resolve

2. Consistency

3. Good at either prospecting or marketing themselves

Surprisingly enough that’s just about it.  There are many talented Realtors that have other positive attributes, but these three along with passion and tenacity are the only ones that I can think of that are absolutely imperative and are a common denominator to all successful Realtors.

What characteristics of the five that I’ve alluded to do you possess?

Are there some that you think I have missed?

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  1. Being a good listener and excellent communicator are both very important–they reassure your clients that you are ‘hearing’ what they say.


  1. [...] yesterday’s blog post I offered my perspective on the common traits of successful Realtors.  Today I outline guidelines [...]

Al Filippone, Realtor | licensed in the state of CT | Al Filippone Associates | William Raveis | 75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890 | Page last updated: June 19, 2012 @ 9:56 pm